Could not fetch https://api.github.com/authorizations, enter your GitHub credentials to go over the API rate limit The credentials will be swapped for an OAuth token stored in /Users/username/.composer/auth.json, your password will not be stored To revoke access to this token you can visit https://github.com/settings/applications Username: username Password: An existing OAuth token for Composer is present and will be reus
Could not fetch https://api.github.com/authorizations, enter your GitHub credentials to go over the API rate limit
The credentials will be swapped for an OAuth token stored in /Users/username/.composer/auth.json, your password will not be storedTo revoke access to this token you can visit https://github.com/settings/applicationsUsername: usernamePassword:An existing OAuth token for Composer is present and will be reused解决方法
composer config –global github-oauth.github.com 上面的token